A West Yorkshire Small Business

Est. 2004

Over 20 years of Beautiful and Affordable Hand-Crafted Jewellery

Our first show for 2025 will be the Yorkshire Spring Craft Festival in Parliament Street, York, April 10-14

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New Products

Mothers’ Day – Sunday March 30th 
Explore the Shop Pages for more ideas! 

Feature Stone – Rose Quartz

This is one of the rarer varieties of Quartz, yet it is generally accessible, with primary sources located in Brazil and Madagascar.

Rose Quartz is known as the stone for the heart. It symbolises unconditional love and infinite peace. It represents love, beauty, tranquillity, forgiveness, self-love, and healing. It alleviates loss, stress, fear, hurt, anger, and resentment and is excellent for calming and expressing emotions.

Our Next Event:

Yorkshire Spring Craft Festival, Parliament Street, York

April 10-14 2025